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Newspaper Archive of
Askov American
Askov, Minnesota
July 1, 1976     Askov American
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July 1, 1976
Newspaper Archive of Askov American produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 Bicentennial Edition Thursday, July 1, 1976 .... i The following information has been gathered and com- piled by lome Grevlous. Markville had its beginning soon after 1900 when the lumber companies got inter- ested in logging this area. One of the first settlers was Mark Andrews, who was a timber cruiser for the Tozer Lumber In 1912 the Soo Line Railroad was built through here to Duluth. That furnished employ- ment for many men in con- structing it, and also brought in the first Soo Line agent, George' Wage, and his family, capacity for many years. In its early days the town grew very rapidly. By 1914 there were two stores, post office, school, two saw mills, hotel, a hoop-making industry, not to mention two "Blind Presbyterian Ladies Aid organization meeting in 1915. Left to Mark Andrews, Mrs. John Bruce, Mrs. George Grevious, Mrs. Moses= Mrs. Die Pederson, Mrs. Earl Davis, Mrs. Joe Merleen, Mrs. George Mrs. Robert Rutherford. Company of Stiilwater. He and ~md the first section foreman, Pigs", which were places where his family kept a "Stopping Moses Walsh and his family, liquor flowed freely. The bank ........ Place" on the St. Croix River a Mark Andrews surveyed the opened in 1915, then the mile and a half south of where view of Markville taken from the schoolhouse in 1923. It shows the Presbyterian church with a steeple which ~, Markvi!le is now, calling it "Pansy '. A ferry was built to take passengers across the river and it was run for many years by John Blackburn. It was run on cables and fixed in such a way that the river current helped propel it as soon as it was pushed away from shore with a long pole. The ferry was replaced by a bridge about 1920, and a few years later the bridge was destroyed by the ice break-up in the spring and was never replaced. townsite that year and the town was named for him. He moved into town and built a large livery barn. Later "An- drews Street" was also named for him. Other very early settlers were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Stein- bring, who built a small store about four miles northwest of Markville. They moved into town as soon as the town was laid out and kept a general store here for many years. Mrs. Steinbring was the first post- master, and served in that Consolidated Lumber Company and two potato warehouses, was later changed to a square tower when a basement was dug and the church moved onto it, about 1932. Quantities of potatoes wereJohn Brunet, who was the t shipped out, most of them first bank cashier, owned the -- raised by the early settlers of first car in the area, a Model T Blaine and Swiss Townships in Ford which was shipped in by nearby Wisconsin. A stockyard rail because there were no was built and there was quite a roads that even a Model T could businessin horses and cattle. A travel. As trails became roads hardware store and a res- and the citizens began ~etting taurant followed, and there was cars, Babcock Brothers ~arage a big business in cutting and was built in 1922. They also shipping pulpwood. A news- installed an electric light plant, paper, "The Markville Messen- powered by a gasoline engine, get", and a cooperative cream- and we had !ights from dusk cry were added by 1925. until eleven o clock each night. Later the Northwestern Wis- consin Electric Company of Grantsburg took over the electric service for the com- munity and power was fur- nished by, a dam on Yellow River near Danbury. The schoolhouse, built in 1912, was soon overcrowded and the new brick building was built in 1918. The old school ~vas remodeled into a Catholic church. Later a new church was built and the old building was remodeled again to make a residence for the priest. It was destroyed by fire about 1928. The church building was moved :!.~ to Cozy Corner, Wis., in 1969. In 1915 a Presbyterian Sem- Chief Songkatay who lived in the Indian village north of Markville. He was inary student by the name of said to be 100 years old when this picture was taken. Continued on page 17 Main street of Markville about 1920 looking east from the railroad. On the left, R.D. Rutherford store, restaurant and bank. On the right the Steinbring store, post office, Chipman store, hardware store. Presbyterian Sunday school about 1921. Sunshine club about 1918. This group bought the bell for the Presl church by collecting a mile of pennies. Left to right, back Andrews, Ferda Whitecotton, Lois Hayden, leader, Evelyn nerq Jacobs. Front row; Margel Andrews, Margaret Ballantine, Ionle G Saw mills in Markville about 1918. St. Croix Hotel built by Mr. and MrS. George Grevlous in 1914, destroyed by fire in 1916. Building at right was built by Henry Steinbring end at different times was a grocery store, a restaurant, a movie hall, a barber shop and a private dwelling. Boys' Club about 1916 led by Rev. A. E. McLean. Left to right, standing; Roman Rutherford, Jim Welsh, Russet Ketch, DOUglas Corner, Bill Davis. Seated; George Corner, Russell DaviS, John Walsh, Allen Grevious, Rudy Kelch. .i Presbyterian church in 1917. One of the first buildings in Markville built by William Nelson in 1913 and used as a hotel, a private dwelling and a community house. Danes from Askov visited Danes at Luck, Wis., stopping at Markville enroute, 1925 or 1926. The Askov band played in Main street. mm~ Soo Line station, potato warehouse at left, which was managed by Vern Carlson. A large stock is kept on hand of Sash and doors, dimension and sheeting, laths and shingles, siding and flooring, building paper and roofing, cement, plaster and lime. Call on us for service. YOURS FOR A SQUARE DEAL MARKVILLE, MINN. MELVIN BLOOM, Manager First school in Merkvtlle, built in 1912. Indian village !~/~ miles north of Markville, 1915.